
Бесплатное обучение фулстек-разработке веб-сервиса с нуля по видео-урокам с исходным кодом и поддержкой Хабр

14 років у IT, працював у Mdquill та SledStudio. З 2018 викладає Node.js, React, Vue, TypeScript. Співавтор програми Node.js у GoIT, за якою вже навчив 1000+ студентів. 3 роки програмує на Java, 4 роки – на JavaScript/TypeScript. Володіє військовою технікою рукопашного бою, яку, на щастя, ще жодного разу не застосувала на заняттях. Сколько зарабатывает тестировщик […]
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Stock Dividend: What It Is and How It Works, With Example

That can help increase the value of their stock because income investors tend to value stocks based on their income yield rather than other metrics. Good companies have histories of maintaining and increasing their dividends even during times of economic challenge. As stable investments, these types of companies continue to pay dividends. How comfortable are […]
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DELTA Definition & Meaning

Delta is most commonly defined as a flat plain or low area of alluvial deposits that are more often than not shaped like a triangle. Read on to discover everything top 4 similar websites like finotrade com and alternatives you need to know about the word delta, including the definition, origin, and how to use […]
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